Wednesday 23 January 2013

Wednesday 23rd January

In class today we revised the vocabulary and grammar in unit 9 - page 85 in the Student's book.  Some of you were having problems with the passive, so try to find time to review the passive.  If you need any help, please feel free to ask me.

We also did some revision in groups - a game which revised everything which have studied since the beginning of the course.   Making wishes in English were still causing some problems, so again use this time to review wishes  (Look at the language review on page 144 of the Student's book)

  • Check your progress - do the progress portfolio on page 95 of the Student's book.  Give yourself a mark out of ten and work on the areas which you feel are weak.  Again, if you need an extra help, ask me.
  • Doprogress test 9.  (For those of you who were not in class today, I will give you one next class - ask me for one).
Finally, just to remind you all that there will be NO ENGLISH CLASSES FOR THE NEXT TWO WEEKS.  CLASSES START BACK ON MONDAY 11TH FEBRUARY.

Good luck with your exams!


Monday 21st January

On Monday's class we did a collaborative writing task - see the work book pages 86 and 87.   I will give you some feedback from this written task today.

Homework was to read the Language Summary for unit 9 which you will find on page 145 in the Student's Book.

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Wednesday 16th January 2013

Good afternoon!

In today's class we:

  •  Reviewed  homonyms
  • Looked at ways to make suggestions and ways to respond to suggestions - real world.
The homework is: 

  • Workbook pages 53 and 54
  • Bring the workbook to class on Monday as we are going to do something together from the workbook.

Monday 14 January 2013

Monday 14th January 2013


In today's class, we gave our opinions about works of art, we looked at homonyms and we also looked at phrasal verbs with set, turn, put, and give.  (Student's book page 83+ hand out)

Homework:  Workbook page 52.

See you on Wednesday

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Wednesday 9th January

Happy new year to you all again!

In today's class, we began by talking about Christmas and New Year.  We then did a quick review on so, such, such as and like which we studied at the end of last term.

We then discussed the topic of art - giving our opinions on a variety of artists and their works of art.  We also did a listening about art and we then looked at words which are often missed out in informal spoken English.  Finally, we read an article about an artist's artwork.  (Student Book pages 82,83)

The homework is to write a title for this article. We will be discussing the titles at the beginning of next lesson, so please be prepared to talk about your title.  If you weren't in class today, can you please read the article and write a title of your choice. The article is on the right hand side of page 83 in the student's book and is about an artist called Michael Landy and his art work called Break Down.

Have a nice weekend and see you all on Monday!

Best Durga

P.S.  If you haven't handed in your written project, can you please do so on Monday without fail.